Monday, October 21, 2013

A Plan and Day 15

After a horrible night's sleep because of my poor planning, I got out of bed and knew after I dropped D off at school Sully and I needed to make a trip to Chuck's so I could start the day out on the right foot. Last night I spent some time pinning some new recipes to try this week so I had an idea of what I needed and off we went (and yes I was that Mom, my boy was rocking his jammies).

I made a quick meal plan for the week:
Monday: Beef and Bacon Chowder (instead of white potatoes I'm going to modify to sweet potatoes)
Tuesday: Smoked Chuck roasted with Cauliflower Mash
Thursday: Sausage and Kale Soup (PS I met this blogger at Crossfit the other night)
Saturday: Birthday Dinner out with Friends

This is the plan for the week. I might be able to stretch it a bit with leftovers and we usually end up doing "brinner" for dinner at least once during the week.

What I ate, Day 15
Breakfast: Fruit bowl (pear, strawberries and blueberries) and nuts
Lunch: Salsa burger and avo
Dinner: Beef and Bacon chowder

Exercise: Hoping to get on the elliptical today after I catch up on some orders