(Disclaimer: Sorry in advance for all the pics of D....I can't help it haha)
Summer is quickly going by! Waited all year for it, and now its almost August...waaa!!! But we've been having lots of fun :) Thankfully the pacific NW is gorgeous during the summertime. Learning to skate, painting and a little sewing <3 Not to mention trips to the farmer's market with two of my favorite girls.
Summer is quickly going by! Waited all year for it, and now its almost August...waaa!!! But we've been having lots of fun :) Thankfully the pacific NW is gorgeous during the summertime. Learning to skate, painting and a little sewing <3 Not to mention trips to the farmer's market with two of my favorite girls.
Best Ikea purchase EVA' $15 and oh so much fun! Not to mention stealing Daddy's shirt was fun too!
I tried a new tutorial for a nightgown for the little and a matching one for miss Birdie :) Super simple and easy to follow. I think next time I won't add so much width...my kid is a bean pole, what can I say. Check it out the tute!
I found it via Pinterest and I'm sure glad i did!
My fave part of this sewing adventure...the HUGE hug she gave me after she tried on her new duds!
Uncle Brett was a saint and proved amazing patience to try and show this little gal how to skateboard on her new princess skateboard! Thank you Uncle Brett and Auntie Jen for her new prized b-day present! She's no pro, but she had fun!

Saturday we ventured over to the Vancouver Farmer's Market. The best part was finding out the Hawaiian Festival was going on. Dancing, singing and folktales made for a great afternoon. Not to mention snow cones, face paint and yummy produce :) Tomorrow I'm cooking up something with all that produce....
Thanks for stopping by and happy summer!
<3 Stace