In true "lame" blogger fashion, i am horrible at updating this blog. Time has flown by and life has been busy to say the least. I can't believe it's been over 3 months since i've blogged! Just a little catch up on life lately....
Jason and I and 4 of our good friends ventured to Spain and Italy in October. It was amazing...we saw lots of beautiful things, but i don't think we'll be going back anytime soon :)
La Sagrada de Familia in Barcelona
One morning we woke up before the sunrise and went to the roof of our was romantic...i love this guy <3
I never would have dreamt that Jason and I would be standing in Spain!
Sadly Spain and Italy were left behind to go back to reality! Not gonna lie both of us (actually all 6 of us) were def ready to be home! I missed Miss D and i missed cooking food and being at my house! Crazy right!?!? 10 days without speaking to your toddler is hard!
In November my Dad retired from the Army (35 years of service!). Finally he is home for good! He started his command in Fort Lewis the same weekend that Dylan was's about time he comes home! It's been awesome having papa home! D couldn't be happier :)
December was quickly upon us. I finally got up a new display at the spa.
If your local or are ever in the Couv' you have to go check out this's AMAZING! My girls April and Lenzi are the best in town!
Of course with the holidays quickly approaching I had quite a few custom orders, which I LOVE! I especially love the orders where i have artistic freedom.
Custom Makeup Bags
Prepping for the holidays were a blast! This is the first year that D and I made lots of Holiday crafts and treats.
Glitter Ornaments (don't mind the saturday am garb)
Holiday Cake Pops
Santa came to visit adventure dental with Dylan and her cousins :)

Of course it's not Christmas without Ugly Christmas sweaters and Creekside's favorite FedEx guy! We LOVE Joe! His hat was singing and dancing!
My work wife...nadia :) and Joe!
Finally, what I'm up to!
These are what I'm currently working on...I'm calling this line Moolala Froufrou! Hair accessories that can be used not only to dress up your hair but a cardigan or belt as well :)
Happy Monday everyone!